Re-key or Is It Better To Change My Lock?

Should I re-key or is it better to change my lock? This is the question asked by many new homeowners regarding the security of their new house. While the question may be simple, the answer is not as straightforward as it may seem. There are a few issues to consider when deciding whether or not to change out your locks.

Re-keying a Lock

Re-keying a lock is a simple process that resets its internal mechanism, requiring a different key to unlock. The property owner keeps the same lock, but the old keys no longer work. This solution is desirable for doors with solid, high-quality locks that are problematic to replace.


The procedure of re-keying is also faster than installing a new lock. Installing a brand new deadbolt on a door takes just under two hours compared to re-keying, which takes ten to fifteen minutes for an experienced professional to complete.


Re-keying is also an excellent idea when a key is lost or stolen to ensure that your loved ones and possessions are safe from random individuals entering your home. But re-keying a lock with a key is a complicated process and is best completed by a professional locksmith.


Many homeowners enjoy opening all of the exterior locks in their homes with a single key, and re-keying makes this possible, provided that the same brand manufactured the hardware for each lock. But if the locks are different brands, some of them will need replacing before setting this up.


If costs are a consideration, replacing a lock is more costly than a re-key. Most locksmiths charge $80 to $150 for a re-key, and there is no additional equipment to buy. A new lock costs $50 and $300 for the hardware, and professional installation adds $100 to $200.


So, should I re-key or is it better to change my locks?

Changing a Lock

There are many valid reasons for re-keying a lock over changing it, but sometimes changing the lock is the better option. Upgrading your security to a smart lock system is an excellent reason. Smart locks allow you to secure your home remotely, provide excellent protection and are a convenient alternative to locks requiring keys for households with older school-aged children, elderly, or disabled family members.


Over time, the hardware and components of the lock can wear out, making them a poor fit for a re-key process. Worn-out mechanisms inside the lock won’t allow it to work correctly, so it either won’t accept the key or, in some incidences, the key will break off inside the lock.


A housing remodel sometimes requires installing an entirely new door with a different style lock. When re-keying the current lock is not an option, the homeowner will need to install a replacement lock.

Maintaining Your Door Locks

Whether you decide it’s best to re-key your current locks or have replacements installed, it’s essential to maintain them so they will keep serving you for years. Proper maintenance is key to getting the most out of your door locks and saving money on repairs.


Ensure that the door is hung correctly inside the frame. An improperly hung door that is not uniform across the top and sides places tremendous pressure on the bolt. The door should close smoothly, and the latch should engage without pushing, pulling, or lifting the door.


Maintain the inside of your locks with Teflon or a specialty graphite lubricant once a year. After applying the lubricant, insert the key into the lock and remove excess debris before placing the key back in the lock. Completing this task each year should help eliminate keys sticking inside the lock and becoming difficult to turn, and prevent the need for you to ask, should I re-key or is it better to change my locks?









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